The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday July 27th

Vital Signs: Lead a balanced life with THRIVE'S wellness wheel

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By Anika Pruthi
Staff Writer

THRIVE week, hosted by the Health and Wellness Peer Education Program at the College, makes it clear that wellness is not merely the absence of illness or distress, but a lifelong process that consists of seven dimensions: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental and financial. Although it may be unrealistic to simultaneously improve in all seven dimensions, individuals can make an action plan, working through the dimensions over time.

Overall wellness consists of seven dimensions (Instagram).

Spiritual Wellness

This aspect of wellness refers to having a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. Consider reaching out to the College’s Religious and Spiritual Life or Center of Global Engagement to learn about different religions and cultures. You can also make time for personal reflection through mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

Emotional Wellness

It’s of utmost importance to understand your own feelings and manage stress. Consider reaching out to Mental Health Services, Student Health 101 or Anti-Violence Initiatives to address your state of emotional health. You can also develop your own relaxation and stress management techniques to cope with anxiety.

Intellectual Wellness

Engaging yourself in creative endeavors to expand your horizons. Consider reaching out to the Center for Student Success to determine what your learning style is and get tips on how to organize yourself. Open yourself up to new experiences through student organizations that can broaden your mindset.

Physical Wellness

Taking care of your physical health involves exercising regularly and understanding the importance of self-care. Consider reaching out to the Office of Recreation or Student Health Services to learn healthy practices that support your immune system and emotional wellness.

Social Wellness

This area of wellness refers to the quality of relationships you have with others. Learn how to communicate effectively and interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures by joining an organization or reaching out to the Division of Inclusive Excellence.

Environmental Wellness

This type of wellness refers to interactions with the environment around you. Resources such as The Sustainability Institute or Green Dot (Anti-Violence Initiatives) can help you practice environmentally-conscious behaviors for the natural and social environment around you.

Financial Wellness

The last dimension of wellness is focused on accessing the proper resources to help accomplish your goals. To plan for financial success and future career paths, consider looking into your advising resources, the Career Center, and Student Financial Assistance.


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