The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday July 27th


Because Bob Dylan is lauded as one of the greatest American songwriters of all time, this presents a unique set of challenges when adapting his life to the big screen. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

OPINION: There are unique challenges to making a Bob Dylan biopic

Hollywood’s infatuation with biopics, specifically those of famous, yet aged-out musicians, has been a long-standing tradition. The most recent of these films is the new Bob Dylan biopic — starring Hollywood obsession Timothée Chalamet. As with all major blockbusters of this ilk, photos and videos from the production have begun to be released, and I have some concerns, to say the least.

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With Smiskis and Sonny Angels always being closely associated with one another, there is much debate about which is better. (Photo by Kelly Kim / Correspondent)

OPINION: There is such a thing as the “superior” collectible

If you are part of the many who love to collect collectibles and figurines, congratulations, you have now joined those with an unhealthy obsession with spending whatever means necessary to fuel a newfound addiction. Some of the more sought-after collectible items are Smiskis and Sonny Angels, popular amongst those in all age groups who share a collective vigor to obtain as many as possible. 

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Following the introduction of the Lions Plan in December 2023, six working groups were charged to evaluate the practicality and sustainability of the College’s current practices. (Photo by Shane Gillespie / Photo Editor)

OPINION: The Lions Plan must aim to preserve our student experience

While much of the Lions plan makes sense, I strongly believe that two key elements of the College should not and can not be changed: the proposed changes to the R. Barbara Gitenstein Library and the academic standards to which we hold ourselves. Altering these two elements of student life — our sense of community and education — will create significant negative and lasting effects on the overall student experience.

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Billie Eilish, a multi-Grammy-winning artist, is encountering backlash due to a sustainability remark directed at bigger artists who release numerous vinyl variants. (Photo courtesy of IMDb)

OPINION: Billie Eilish doesn’t deserve backlash about vinyls and sustainability

Following criticism, Billie Eilish is offering clarity regarding her comments in a Billboard interview about sustainability in the production of vinyl variations by well-known artists. As soon as people noticed Eilish criticizing larger artists for releasing numerous vinyl variants of their albums for fans to collect, they swiftly overlooked her accomplishments and efforts toward protecting the environment.

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Drama is the lifeblood of reality TV. (Photo courtesy of IMDb)

OPINION: Reality TV is a far cry from reality

Although reality TV isn’t fully unpredictable, every show’s weekly cliffhanger leaves audiences on the edge of their seats with goosebumps. Viewers are captivated and even inspired by the “genuine” display of vulnerability exposed by real people on screen. The harsh reality, however, is that it is all a facade that crosses most ethical boundaries.

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Traditions offers a sub-par dining experience. (Photo by Shane Gillespie / Photo Editor)

OPINION: TCNJ students are settling for poor quality food and bad service at Traditions

Traditions is one of the most well-known and respected dining establishments at the College. Located in the Brower Student Center, students often go to Traditions to enjoy a sit-down meal, chosen from a menu with many options. However, I believe that our community is settling for less than we deserve, and recently, Traditions has been one of the worst places to dine.

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The spring's extreme amount of rain creates a gloomy atmosphere and contributes to seasonal depression. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / Mike Maguire, July 25, 2018)

OPINION: Spring is the worst season

With the arrival of spring, I began thinking about this season compared to others. Spring is thought of as a beautiful, peaceful time, but this perception of the season is rarely, if ever, true. When stacked against each other, I believe spring to be the worst season for many reasons.

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Stage productions are often what comes to mind when people think of musicals. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, Jan. 1, 2023)

OPINION: No, you don’t hate musicals

What interests me about the holistic hate of musicals is how people don’t understand musicals to begin with, and not in the sense that they don't get the point of them. For example, a common critique is that musicals take too long to get to the point of their story. This is a valid criticism. What I’m talking about is more related to what detractors even consider a musical to be.

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Amidst the media storm surrounding Kate Middleton’s whereabouts, the Princess issued a statement revealing her cancer diagnosis. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Tom Soper Photography, Sep. 12, 2012)

OPINION: Celebrities deserve the basic human right to privacy

Because celebrities choose to place themselves within the public sphere, society has grown accustomed to having the personal lives of these public figures within their reach. I know first-hand how easy it is to get wrapped up in every scandal publicized in the media; however, at the end of the day, we are only entitled to the information that a person chooses to share, celebrity or not. 

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