The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday July 27th

‘Romeo and Juliet’ funded for $11,675

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The Student Finance Board had its first meeting of the semester on Wednesday, Sept. 3, where the College Union Board, All College Theater and TCNJ Musical Theater proposed events for the fall.

First up was CUB, which proposed an overnight bus trip to Providence, R.I. in September. The presenters outlined a full itinerary for the trip, including visits to the Providence Natural History Museum and downtown Providence. In the past, CUB has led overnight bus trips to big cities like Boston and Washington, D.C., and the presenters said they believed like Providence would be a good change of location without sacrificing a “city feel.”

The trip was fully funded for the requested amount of $1,835 and is set to take place later this month on Saturday, Sept. 27, and Sunday, Sept. 28.

ACT presented next for its fall production, “Romeo and Juliet.” Every year, ACT puts on two full productions: one in the fall and one in the spring.

“We expect a larger turnout for this show in particular,” ACT President Shannon McGovern said.

After a bit of discussion, the event was partially funded for $11,675, which covers production costs and salaries for a director and a fight choreographer.

ACT also co-presented with TMT for “Wired,” a 24-hour play competition in which students write, direct, stage manage and act out five different one-act plays. The event was fully funded for an amount of $800 and is set to take place on Friday, Sept. 12, and Saturday, Sept. 13.

Finally, TMT proposed a “Broadway Night” and its fall musical, “Rent.”

“‘Broadway Night’ gives people a chance to perform who might not get into our fall show,” TMT Treasurer Steven Munoz said.

“Rent,” a highly popular rock musical, required a large budget for TMT’s production plan and to obtain the rights to perform the show.

The event was fully funded for $200 and is set to take place on Friday, Sept. 26, and Saturday, Sept. 27.

“Rent” was also fully funded for $10,000 and is expected to take place from Wednesday, Nov. 19, to Saturday, Nov. 22.


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