The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday July 27th

SFB funds Black Excellence Ball, summer retreat

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By Erin Flanagan

The Student Finance Board fully funded two organizations and partially funded two more at its meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 8:30 p.m.

Lucy Brice, a senior finance major, presented an event on behalf of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. The event does not have an official name yet, but the working title is the “Building the Total Package: YOU are your Secret Weapon” summit and it is taking place on April 27 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

SFB funds Disability PRIDE's guest speaker (Miguel Gonzalez / Photo Editor).

The event is a professional development program that focuses on financial literacy and succeeding in the world of business. Brice touched upon the importance of financial literacy, especially in the African-American community, where she said there is a low rate of financially literate people.

“This conference is a series of interactive workshops designed to equip female college students with the tools to make positive, long-lasting and impactful first impressions in any professional environment,” Brice said.

The board fully funded the event for $4,145.89.

Disability PRIDE presented a program that will bring in Leroy Moore to perform an artistic production. Moore is a black, disabled activist who has worked with college students for 30 years. His show is able to take audiences through what it means to be marginalized by both race and disability.

“This event is incredibly important to our campus, as we saw several incidences of both racial and ableist slurs at the end of last semester,” said Maggie Leppert, a senior self design disability studies and sociology double major. “Leroy’s powerful piece will help people of all identities bear witness to these experiences and lend power to black, disabled voices on this campus and beyond.”

SFB fully fund the event, scheduled for March 26 at 8 p.m., for $1,750.

The Black Student Union was fully funded for the rest of the expenses needed for its Black Excellence Ball, which is scheduled for Friday, March 1 at 8 p.m. After SFB requested that BSU lower the cost of decorations, they were able get the rest of the funding needed from the board at $698.98.

Sigma Lambda Gamma, which presented its 2019 National Summer Retreat to the board, was partially funded. For the retreat, two delegates from different chapters of the sorority around the nation travel to the University of Louisiana and work on understanding cultural competency and personal development.

The sorority, which had asked the board for $1,500, had already received funding last semester for another retreat.

SFB can only fund up to $1,500 per year for an organization’s retreats. Since the organization had been granted $541 towards a retreat in the fall semester, the board could only allot $959 for the retreat which is scheduled to take place from June 27 through June 29.


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