The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday September 1st

SG proposes resolution to remodel PAWS, make syllabuses more accessible

By Aimee Torres and Victoria Gladstone
Correspondent and News Editor 

Student Government (SG) held a general body meeting on April 6 where they discussed several resolutions regarding remodeling PAWS, making class syllabi available when students register for classes and updating the student feedback form.

Director of student involvement Dave Conner asked SG members for feedback about how to address issues with on-campus clubs getting access to rooms during their meeting times. 

Student organizations have struggled with having rooms unlocked for their meetings or events, according to Conner.The proposed solution would be to reduce the number of buildings where meetings are held. 

Speaker of the General Assembly Dylan Nguyen presented a resolution about reforming the PAWS system the College currently uses for student accounts. 

“My motivation for writing a resolution to remodel PAWS was because of many of my peers complaining to me how bad paws was in terms of its user friendliness,” Nguyen said. “I myself don’t like paws as well since it’s very difficult to use.”

Nguyen created a presentation where he discussed the history of PAWS and the research he has done within the campus community, including interviews with administrators.

Nguyen also shared his upcoming plans for this resolution. 

“In terms of alternatives, we could send out a request for proposal in order for software companies to reach out and demonstrate their own student information systems,” he said. “If passed, my next steps would be to survey students on what they want to see changed as well as getting feedback from admin and staff.”

Chief of Staff Lakshmi Gurram and Vice President of Governmental Affairs Samhita Narendrula presented a resolution to SG asking for further transparency from professors by offering a class’ syllabus when a student registers for classes. 

While class syllabuses can be found at, the resolution will make accessing them much easier. 

Benjamin Rogoff, a sophomore history and secondary education major and senator of education, shared his feelings about the resolution. 

“As a representative of the school of education a lot of the classes are pretty clear cut, especially in my program since I am in the four plus one program,” he said. “My courses and what I have to take are pretty much planned out for me so I do not get as much of a selection. But when it comes to educational electives and which professors teach each course, getting access to syllabi before I start the course would be beneficial and honestly I would love to see when I am selecting my classes.”  

A vote was taken about whether to send this resolution to the College’s administration and it passed.

Gurram also presented her own resolution urging the College to update and change the student feedback form. 

There were several governance reports that were made to discuss the latest updates the committees, task forces and councils have for the SG. 

SG meetings are held every Wednesday at 3 p.m. in room 115 in the education building. Office hours are held Mon., Thurs., and Fri. from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.. Anyone can attend SG general body meetings. 


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