The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday September 1st


Though breaks are supposed to be time for students to relax, they can often end up causing more stress as students use the time to catch up on work (photo courtesy of Flickr/“Learning” by CollegeDegrees360/ July 12, 2012).

School breaks may actually heighten stress in students

For students at the College, the pressure of the semester’s end made the Thanksgiving holiday stressful rather than a time for gratitude and decompression. While many might experience familial stress during the holiday season, students were met with a unique set of headaches with finals taking place in such close proximity to Thanksgiving break.

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A stack of letters in a box in the attic opened a door to family history and a story worth spreading(Flickr/ "stack" by hobvias sudoneighm, April 1, 2007).

Hidden family letters become off-Broadway play

The letters were located in the attic of their family home and had been locked away for over 15 years collecting dust, covered in swastikas and written in German and Polish, two languages that no one in the Hollander family spoke.  Found after his parents had passed away suddenly in a tragic car accident in 1986, Richard S. Hollander refused to look at them, burying them from his mind and back into the attic he found them in.  Unpacking them meant having to address the fact that he truly didn’t know his father.

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(Stephanie Shen / Photo Editor)

Student Government: Goals, Function, and What They Really Do for TCNJ

Many students at the College are somewhat familiar with Student Government as a concept. Every semester, the student body is encouraged to vote in their elections. Students see the campaigns of our peers as they run for Student Government positions. Of course, their job is to “govern” the school, but how exactly does it function and what achievements has it made for the College? 

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LTV’s experience during the Covid-19 pandemic has allowed it to be ready for the possibility of remote programming in the future ( 

Is Lions Television prepared for another online semester if Covid-19 ramps up once again?

For an aspiring entertainer or someone with a general interest in entertainment, Lions Television (LTV) is a great place to test the waters. Full of robust programming, this student-run organization is focused on making quality videos and building a rich community.  But the past several semesters forced LTV to work around the obstacle of the pandemic, and though Covid-19 rates have fallen, the organization remains prepared should it be forced to go virtual once again. 

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The School of Education was put in a difficult position when the pandemic disrupted vital student teaching programs (Stephanie Shen / Photo Editor). 

Practicancelled part 2 - The College’s perspective

At every open-house, on every tour, universities make a promise to students that they will be taken care of, and that they will be put on the path to success. It is an important promise both to make and to keep, because the university decision is a loaded one. Much consideration goes into it, and many consequences — for better or for worse — come of it. For the College, it is no different. It ranks highly in the North region — it was named the top public school in the North region and the seventh best in undergraduate teaching. It has upheld this reputation by providing quality education and, specifically for students in the School of Education, getting them into classrooms early. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world and shut down schools, the difficult question of how the College would fulfill its promise to its students fell upon the administration to answer.

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Dr. Cho teaches foreign policy and international security and is an assistant professor of political science and international studies at the College.

Political science professor analyzes the nuclear threat of the Russia-Ukraine war

The war between Russia and Ukraine is an ongoing development, with new details of invasions and attacks releasing day after day. The resulting crisis in Ukraine means the College’s political science department is conducting education under circumstances more relevant than ever. Dr. Hyun-Binn Cho is an assistant professor of political science and international studies at the College who has studied international and nuclear security, teaching important courses that relate to the current state of war. With Ukrainian cities facing attacks from Russian forces, such as the bombings on Kyiv, Dr. Cho provided relevant insight into the history regarding this conflict. 

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The ROSCOE Educators program aims to assist first-generation students with their transition to life at the College (Instagram / @tcnjschoolofeducation). 

School of Education professor spearheads mentorship program

What really makes a first-generation college student? Is it just a matter of whether someone in your family has gone to college before you? What if they attended, but did not graduate? These are the questions that Dr. Nadya Pancsofar, an early childhood special education professor and undergraduate coordinator at the College, has been attempting to answer as part of her “ROSCOE Educators” program, which began in January. A mentorship program, it pairs student mentors with younger first-generation students who need help navigating their college experience. The mentors themselves are first-generation students — in hopes that they might better understand how to help student participants.

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The Simulation Lab in Forcina Hall has five beds and two examination rooms ( 

Virtual reality: The new way of learning

In a large classroom in Forcina Hall with furniture ready to be moved around and headsets ready to be placed over eyes, the College’s nursing department is slowly introducing virtual reality, or VR, into simulation laboratories as a method of teaching for nursing students. A handful of junior nursing students are working with Chelsea Lebo, a professor of nursing and the simulation coordinator at the College, to familiarize themselves with VR learning and determine if it can be fully integrated into nursing simulation labs. 

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Ewing Green Team presents $990 donation to HomeFront after the fifth annual Ewing Fall Spin (Photo courtesy of the Sustainable Ewing Green Team). 

The Ewing Green Team is working to keep the city clean

With a population of almost 40 thousand people, Ewing Township, N.J. is a very large town with a lot going on in it. With so many people, waste is inevitable. To combat this, the town has a group of volunteers who are doing what they can to help make the town a more eco-friendly place and reduce waste. Not many people are aware of them, but the Ewing Green Team has been very active in Ewing with their efforts.

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The solar panels currently under construction are just one example of the work that the ESC is doing (Elizabeth Gladstone / Staff Photographer).

The College ESC’s Greener Going Forward plan: How much has the council accomplished?

Have you ever wondered what the planet will look like in 30, 40 or 50 years from now? The College’s Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC), which consists of 10 to 12 members, ponders this question all the time. The ESC’s Greener Going Forward plan is all about making strides to a sustainable, green future. The plan was created in 2020 by Brian Potter, an associate professor of political science and international studies at the College, along with various faculty members, staff, students and student clubs. The plan served as a time frame for when different green implementations would go into effect. 

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With the arrival of spring comes the spring planting season, and a flurry of activity in the College’s campus garden. Many of the garden’s volunteers are part of the Bonner Scholars Program, but all College students are welcome to volunteer at and spend time in the Bonner Garden(Octavia Feliciano/Staff Writer).

Spring means planting season for the Bonner Garden

The work begins in the greenhouse on the third floor of the biology building. There, student and faculty volunteers tend to a wide variety of seedlings destined for the College’s Bonner Garden.  After the last frost date, sometime in mid to late April, a variety of peas, peppers and herbs will be the first to leave the greenhouse for the garden. When the weather grows warmer other crops like tomatoes will follow them.

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May, in the middle holding the peace sign, along with Kappa Theta Phi members at Six Flags Great Adventure (Instagram @kdptcnj).  

Class of 2022 seniors look ahead: what's next?

The start of the spring semester means that, for the class of 2022, graduation is just around the corner. Being prepared for graduation is ultimately what students work toward throughout their time at the College, bringing forth an array of emotions when the time finally comes.

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Members of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority at a bonding event (Photo courtesy of Kelly Biancamano).

Greek life returning to normalcy – but not without limitations

After a full year of activities that were completely dependent on the state of Covid-19, sorority life in Alpha Xi Delta (AXID) is finally shifting back to the way it was when junior Kelly Biancamano entered it: free of lagging screens, crashing computers and Zoom links.  “We had some Zoom events last semester, but not many people showed up,” Biancamano, an early childhood education and iSTEM major, said. “They all had Zoom fatigue.”

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The new SACNAS chapter is dedicated to increasing diversity in STEM at the College (

College establishes new SACNAS chapter to support diversity in STEM

“CELEBRATION, NOT ASSIMILATION.” The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) website itself says it all. SACNAS is an organization that is dedicated to achieving true diversity in the STEM field. The organization focuses on helping build a community for a wide array of students from diverse backgrounds with an interest in the sciences. 

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Professor Wund's lab studies phenotypic plasticity in three-spined stickleback fish (

Bio research at the College in the time of Covid-19

Typically, Professor Marcia O'Connell has five to 10 students working hands-on in her research lab, studying embryogenesis in zebrafish. In the 2020-2021 academic year, she had one. Still, it was an improvement over the end of the spring 2020 semester, when even O’Connell could not be in the lab.

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