The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday September 1st

Kate Zydor

The freshman year experience will mean something different for everyone. (Photo by Elizabeth Gladstone / Multimedia Coordinator)

OPINION: My college experience is nothing like I imagined it to be

I love our school and its campus, professors, student life and sense of community. However, coming to the College as a freshman, I carried with me a set of expectations from years of watching TV and listening to stories from family members, friends and random TikTok influencers. Over these past eight months, I can confidently say that the majority of these expectations were proven wrong.

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Following the introduction of the Lions Plan in December 2023, six working groups were charged to evaluate the practicality and sustainability of the College’s current practices. (Photo by Shane Gillespie / Photo Editor)

OPINION: The Lions Plan must aim to preserve our student experience

While much of the Lions plan makes sense, I strongly believe that two key elements of the College should not and can not be changed: the proposed changes to the R. Barbara Gitenstein Library and the academic standards to which we hold ourselves. Altering these two elements of student life — our sense of community and education — will create significant negative and lasting effects on the overall student experience.

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Amidst the media storm surrounding Kate Middleton’s whereabouts, the Princess issued a statement revealing her cancer diagnosis. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Tom Soper Photography, Sep. 12, 2012)

OPINION: Celebrities deserve the basic human right to privacy

Because celebrities choose to place themselves within the public sphere, society has grown accustomed to having the personal lives of these public figures within their reach. I know first-hand how easy it is to get wrapped up in every scandal publicized in the media; however, at the end of the day, we are only entitled to the information that a person chooses to share, celebrity or not. 

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A person’s politics are shaped by many factors including their upbringing, lived experiences, religion, race and socioeconomic status. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / dhendrix73, Feb. 2, 2012)

OPINION: People are more than their politics

At the end of the day, people are defined by how they treat and respect others and their desire for self-betterment – not by their politics. When you think of who you are as a person, is the first thing that comes to mind politics? I guarantee you that it’s not.

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Photo courtesy of Flickr

OPINION: Civility is dead — Just check the comments section

In today’s society, there is a widely held belief that if people choose to post themselves on social media, they are deserving of any criticism that results from them having an online presence, even an assault on their very existence. It has become commonplace to attack people through social platforms based on qualities that can be construed as “irritating.”

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Photo by Elizabeth Gladstone / Multimedia Coordinator

OPINION: Technology cannot determine chemistry

Finding a romantic partner isn’t always as easy as it looks. While some people seem to literally bump into their soul mate, others have trouble making that “stars-aligned” connection. Enter social media apps. The solution for all your dating woes – or so we thought. With just one swipe, friend request or direct message on apps such as Tinder, Snapchat and Instagram, we can connect to and communicate with potential partners.

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Finding the perfect roommate is arguably the greatest source of stress for incoming college students. (Photo by Kate Zydor / Opinions Editor)

OPINION: Roommates do not have to equal friends

For incoming college students, there is an immense amount of pressure surrounding choosing a roommate who will not only be compatible with their living habits but also become their instant best friend. We've all heard our fair share of horror stories about roommates gone wrong, and we place tremendous focus on ensuring that our experiences will be different. With that being said, not all roommates are going to be best friends and that is okay.

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